Tuesday, July 14, 2009

im back!

I tried to add a cbox thingamajig. FAIL! Okay i dont know how to. Followed their instructions. Click this click that. Copy here paste there. Then still cannot. Pfft. Okay i'll try again later :)

Now where was i?

right..so Tuesday...BORING. I only have class from 9.30 to 12.30. Then im free! But i still have to stay in college. Cos Mun Yi is my transport to work. I could go home but mummy isn't around to send me. So yeah. Stuck in college. Lepak here and there with those that don't have classes at that time. But everyone has class from 3.30 to 5. Which explains why i took the time to blog :P nyeh.

TODAY, we went to collect Naj's P license! (don't ask me when my turn is -.-) By we i mean yours truly, Naj, Feir and Phee-yoo! The rest had class :( Coffee Connexion it was for lunch!
Spent most of the time laughing at Stupid pick-up lines :P Most of them were reaaaaaaally corny and stupid. But there were a few that were really really sweet :)))

Oh i overslept today :S Missed Human Comm. Okay i know...nothing to be proud of -.-

Gotsa get my ears ready for the sounding i'm gonna get from daddy dearest when i step foot home. I can feel it already! eeeks. Pray for me okay? :)

Oh wow this is like my longest post! Wheee!

Okay BYE Earthlings!


1 comment:

  1. eh perempuan. first of all, where's your fuhreaking cbox ? secondly, you didn't link me :(

    hows dares yous. don't want to wear tudung lah macam ni HAHAHA

    what tha fishhhz

    bye *wink wink* HAHAHAHAHA
